One of South Africa’s most beloved comedians, Marc Lottering, brings his latest stand-up show, Marc Eugene Lottering, to Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre.
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One of South Africa’s most beloved comedians, Marc Lottering, brings his latest stand-up show, Marc Eugene Lottering, to Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre.
South African stand-up comedy Hall-of-Famer, Alan Committie, is back with a bang, promising to kickstart 2024 with a barrel of laughs.
Stuart Taylor returns to Johannesburg theatre stages with his quintessential mix of hilarious stories and witty punchlines in Laughable, from 30 June – 2 July 2023 at the Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre.
The only radio show and podcast dedicated to Africa’s richest square mile, the weekly Sandton Times Hour brings the pages of The Sandton Times to life with an array of entertaining and informative interviews blended with the best music, every week on Mix 93.8, Mondays at 7pm.
The only radio show and podcast dedicated to Africa’s richest square mile, the weekly Sandton Times Hour brings the pages of The Sandton Times to life with an array of entertaining and informative interviews blended with the best music, every week on Mix 93.8, Mondays at 7pm.
Cape Town comedian Marc Lottering returns as UNCLE MARC at Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre, from August 10 until August 22.
South Africa’s much-loved comedian Marc Lottering returns to the Montecasino stage for a limited time, promising new jokes in UNCLE MARC.
Master of Musicals, Jonathan Roxmouth makes a much welcome return to the stage at Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre from December 23, 2021 to January 16, 2022.