ASUS Vivo Talent Competition


ASUS calling all types of creatives to kickstart their careers with R100’000 cash injection together with some epic prizes and anything goes as long as it can fit into a 90-second to 3-minute video. To judge the final #VivoTalent winners, ASUS has assembled a panel of judges and mentors to help guide South Africa’s top creative talent.


  • To enter the competition simply upload your creative to Facebook or Instagram using the #VivoTalent and tag ASUS South Africa.
  • Siv Ngesi, Rob Forbes and Shamilla Miller will review contestant videos to get down to the final one.
  • Judges will share their hard-earned experience with contestants to guide them to being better artists and creators.
  • Visit for more stories.


ASUS Vivo Talent Competition

We don’t care if you are keen to do an Ariana cover, drop your own original track, do a standup routine or if you want to show us an interpretive dance take on ‘War and Peace’. As long as you are original, so we don’t want to see TikTok videos or Reels being used, we want you to start from scratch, tell us a story and show us your talent.

// ASUS Systems Country Marketing Manager, Juan Mouton


The campaign is scheduled to conclude in early May with a live stream show where the judges will review their favorites of campaign, discuss the creative merits of their selections and then come to an agreement on the final winner.


To get more details and access to a bunch of content to help you on your way visit and into the campaign page.


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