MSC Cruises

MSC Cruises Unveils Top 5 Cruise Trends For 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of travel preferences, MSC Cruises, the world’s third-largest cruise brand, unveiled five compelling trends driving travellers cruising decisions for 2024 and beyond.


  • Cruising is on a definite upward trend in South Africa, with more travellers opting for the high seas both locally and abroad.
  • Passengers are seeking more than just a vacation or holiday break when choosing to set sail.
  • Trends reveal that guests are aiming for enriched experiences, cultural immersion, and heightened luxury.
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As the holiday season unfurls its magic, and wanderlust-filled souls are already contemplating the upcoming year, the allure of embarking on a cruise journey cannot be denied. MSC Cruises, with its finger on the pulse of evolving travel preferences, unveiled five hot trends that are steering the decisions of discerning cruise travellers for 2024. These cruise trends offer a tantalizing glimpse into the shifting currents of sea travel, showcasing what’s en vogue and what might be left on the metaphorical dock:


1. Linger For Longer: Extended Port Calls And Overnight Stays
One of the significant shifts in guest preferences is the desire for more time in destinations. MSC Cruises has noted a heightened demand for itineraries with extended or overnight port calls. This trend allows guests to explore destinations at their own pace, soaking up unique cultures, savouring local flavours, and immersing themselves in everything a location has to offer.


2. Cultural Exploration: Beyond Tourist Attractions
In 2024, travellers are not content with merely visiting well-known tourist attractions. Instead, there is a heightened eagerness to explore diverse cultures and experience destinations in a way that reflects the local lifestyle. Hence itineraries to trending destinations rich in cultural heritage and history are becoming very popular. From exploring the art, history, and traditions of places like Japan and China to immersing in the Middle East’s cultural hubs, passengers expect authentic cultural experiences that go beyond the surface.


3. Upgraded Experiences: Luxury And Indulgence
Luxury and exclusivity are becoming paramount for modern travellers yet they still want access to the energy and vibe of a cruise ship…on demand. Hence, ship within a ship concepts like MSC Yacht Club are answering this call. With features like 24-hour butler service, lavish suites, private lounges, and a dedicated high-end restaurant, these private havens offer guests a luxurious retreat whilst providing access to all activities a large ship has to offer.


4. European City Escape: Vibrant Urban Exploration
European cities are experiencing a surge in enthusiasm from travellers seeking vibrant urban experiences. Guests are seeking out itineraries that allow the option to explore a variety of dynamic urban hubs without the hassle of packing, repacking and unpacking multiple times. From the iconic landmarks of Northern Europe, including Paris and Amsterdam, to the historical vibrancy of Rome and Barcelona in the Mediterranean, cruise liners are providing an unparalleled exploration of Europe’s dynamic urban spaces and landscapes.


5. Ultimate Experience-Value Return: Cruising For All Generations
Cruising is witnessing a surge in popularity, particularly among Gen-X and Millennials considering a cruise holiday for the first time. With itineraries containing multiple must-see destinations, seamless transitions between dining venues, diverse entertainment options, and outstanding wellness facilities, guests want to tailor their experience for unbeatable value.


As the tides of 2024 approach, these trends beckon cruisers to embark on a voyage where cultures unfold, cities pulse, and every moment on board yields an unparalleled ‘return on experience’. In the grand tapestry of evolving travel preferences, the trends unveiled by MSC Cruises paint a vivid picture of the cruising landscape for the upcoming year.


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